Allscott Meads, Telford

(Former British Sugar Factory)

Former British Sugar Factory site in the West Midlands.

Client: SJ Roberts Ltd

Ecological Services undertaken: Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey, Bat Transect Surveys, Badger Surveys

Rachel Hacking Ecology was commissioned in 2019 to undertake a suite of ecological surveys at the former British Sugar site in Allscott village, near Telford.

The site comprises a large expanse of open Brownfield habitat, comprising bare ground and ephemeral vegetation.

The surveys included an Extended Phase 1 Habitat Assessment, with additional Badger and bat transect surveys.

As part of the ecological mitigation design, large amounts of the brownfield hardcore from the original site was deposited at a receptor site across the road, to form a unique and novel approach to providing a ‘new’ Brownfield ecological zone.


Weir Mill, Stockport


Euro Garages (Various), Nationwide