Accessibility Policy

Rachel Hacking Ecology Ltd is committed to making our website usable by all people, whatever their abilities or disabilities. Our organisation aims to:

  • Include accessibility throughout our internal policies.

  • Integrate accessibility into our procurement practices.

  • Assign clear accessibility goals and responsibilities.

Our website has been designed and created to be usable ‘as is’, and we have included the UserWay Accessibility widget to provide flexibility in how the site can be used and altered to suit individual needs. You’ll find the widget on the bottom-right of the website (purple circular logo).

Further options are available by using assistive technologies on your computer/tablet/phone, including many features built-in to modern web browsers, such as Google Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge.

If you have difficulties customising the site to suit your requirements, please contact us.

Limitations of the sites accessibility

We have provided clear text and links, as well as alt-text to images on our site. Our site is also under constant review and testing to improve accessibility. However, you may find some accessibility limitations, such as:

  • Video and GIF’s of drone and wildlife footage is set to auto-play for visual effect.

  • While we try to be clear and concise in describing who we are and what we do, our pages and blogs do include technical language, and the information on our pages may require a reasonable level of technical knowledge to understand the information.

  • where abbreviations are used, these will be amplified on first use.

Let us know if you have difficulties

If you find anything on the site difficult to use, please let us know by contacting us:

Rachel Hacking Ecology Ltd

The Stables, Paradise Wharf

Ducie Street


M1 2JN

0161 465 8971

We aim to reply within 5 business days, and we will strive to make the site as accessible as possible to meet your requirements.

To help us understand your requirements, please could you include information advised in ‘Contacting Organisations about Inaccessible Websites’ in your request. All constructive feedback will be carefully considered.

Accessibility Statement Review

This statement was last updated on 5th January 2023, and is scheduled for review on or before 5th January 2024.